Having a company in Georgia is just half the battle. Very few companies can operate without a proper bank account. If you can satisfy this requirement, you receive very good service with very advanced modern banking solutions.
A local company can open a multi-currency bank account in the Bank of Georgia, TBC Bank, or another local bank. Accounts can also be opened remotely with a power of attorney.
What is included:
- IBAN personal bank account – multi-currency (GEL, USD, EURO, CHF, RUB, …)
- VISA plastic card
- Internet banking in English, Russian and Georgian language
- Basic assistance with KYC document.
Our opening bank account agents in Georgia will prepare your documents in advance and remind you that the application and documents are the keys to successfully opening a bank account.
For more details about opening a bank account in Georgia or close it, you may contact our agents‘ company formation in Georgia and open a bank account with our Business Legal advisors in Georgia.