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Georgian real estate types

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Georgian real estate types 2022

Georgian real estate types: Before you make a serious decision to buy a property in Georgia, it is best to get acquainted with the types of properties defined in this country. Especially if you are looking to buy cheap property in Georgia, the following information can well meet your needs.

In general, real estate in Georgia is divided into 3 categories:

  • Black frame apartment
  • white frame apartment
  • Green condition

What is the difference between the types of real estate in Georgia?!

Black frame:

Black frame Apartments refers to the incomplete apartment, which means the apartment has black walls, and only door and window.

White Frame:

This apartment is 1 level above the black frame, which means the flat has all the water, gas pipes, electricity, etc.

Green Condition:

In this case, the Apartment is almost ready and just needs some details to complete it, such as Wallpaper, Kitchen, Flooring,..

What kind of property should we buy in Georgia?

If you want our offer to invest in Georgian real estate, the first offer is to focus on buying land instead of buying a residential house or office and commercial property.

If you are a little familiar with the construction process and can do it yourself as an employer, you have certainly helped yourself a lot in reducing costs.

From the cost of purchasing equipment and raw materials to paying for construction forces, which ultimately eliminates many intermediaries.

But if you can’t afford to build a property on the land, the next offer is to buy a White Frame house. Turning a white frame apartment into a green condition property will significantly reduce your final costs of buying a ready-made green property.

In this article, we have tried to comprehensively guide you on the very important issue of investing in Georgian real estate, like:

Advantages of buying a property in Georgia (increasing the value of your capital, receiving a residence permit, etc.)

Disadvantages and important points of buying real estate in Georgia (not buying big and expensive real estate…)

Relative costs to buy a property in Georgia.

Existing rules of residence in Georgia by buying a property in Georgia.

Types of properties in Georgia.

Contact our legal advisors in Georgia.

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